+33624928571 essevesse@gmail.com

#DAB – The Romanian Multiplier event was a success!

GAMMA INSTITUTE organized the Multiplier event with 2 separate groups, one group of young teacher who need knowledge and experience in managing bullying situations in school, and another group, of psychotherapists in training and personal development counselor, who...

France! Final TM and ME #DAB, a glorious end!

Cie Essevesse is happy to have welcomed the partners of the Dance Against Bullying project in Marseille, on 13 and 14 December 2021, for two final events: The International Multiplier Event which took place on December 13th at Coco Velten, to which we thank for the...

#DAB – The Bulgaria Multiplier event was a success!

Association Euni Partners organized Multiplier event with 2 separate groups in 2 days. The first event was held on the 13th of December 2021 and the second one on the 17th of December 2021. The meetings were attended by youths, social workers, trainers, resource...

#DAB Italian Multiplier Event – Do you support the fight against bullying? DANCE

The Multiplier Event of the DAB (Dance Against Bullying) project, organized by CEIPES, was hosted at the CEIPES headquarters on 23rd of November, 2021. The event involved the Linguistic High School “Ninnì Cassarà” in Palermo and it saw the participation of young...

DAB: in Greece at the final event for sharing great results

On the 8th and 9th of December 2020, the Greek Multiplier event was successfully organized by “The Smile of the Child”, within the framework of the project “DAB-Dance against Bullying” 2019-1-FR02-KA205-015856.   The event was organized in Heraklion, Crete and the...

Contribute to the fight against bullying – a petition that will be taken to the European Parliament’s Committees

The fight against bullying needs your support! Take 1 minute to sign the petition below to help combat bullying and support an innovative methodology to address this issue. https://chng.it/FZZN8X4JJ5 The petition supports the use of dance and expressive movements...

DAB – Local workshops completed

The project’s organization partners carried out the implementation of the project workshops at the local level between June and September 2021. The partners held their workshops in their respective countries with youth in a variety of different contexts, including in...

#DAB Transnational Meeting in Greece!

The partners of “DAB” – Dance Against Bullying met partially in presence and partially online for a Transnational Meeting hosted by the partner from Greece, The Smile of the Child, on the 26th and 27th of August 2021. The partners took the opportunity to both look...

The project’s Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity was a great success

The Dance Against Bullying partners met online between the 24th and 26th of May for three days of intensive training in the implementation of the DAB workshops. This activity was attended by all the five partner organisations in five different countries: France,...

Dance Against Bullying Transnational Meeting 06/04/2021

The Dance Against Bullying partners met online between the 24th and 26th of May for three days of intensive training in the implementation of the DAB workshops. This activity was attended by all the five partner organisations in five different countries: France,...

DAB from home: that’s how we carried out our workshop in total safety

Given the current situation with COVID-19 and the impossibility of safely carrying out in-person activities, the partners of DAB decided to carry out an online DAB session: Dance Against Bullying From Home.  DAB’s workshops aim first to help people self-empower...

Benchmark Reports are now available on our website and ready to be downloaded

In order to fulfil the objectives of the project, it is necessary to understand the situation regarding bullying in each of the partner countries, and to provide a background to the in-depth needs-analysis.  All partners conducted research on the topic, including a...

DAB: Dance Against Bullying, Kick Off Meeting in Palermo

Project name: “Dance Against Bullying” Project number: (2019-1-FR02-KA205-015856) Duration: 24 months Coordinator: CIE ESSEVESSE (France) Financed by: Erasmus+ programme, KA205 (Strategic Partnership for Innovation and Exchange of good...



The project DAB-Dance against Bullying is supported by the European Commission through the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2- Strategic partnership for youth. The project has the main aim of tackling the phenomenon of bullying among young people, using the tools of contemporary dance and nurturing an innovative methodology. Bullying has been raising concerns of local authorities and youth workers in the last decade for its vicious effects on those affected and as a sign of social unease by those practicing it. The DAB-Dance Against Bullying project aims at integrating the good practices already existing within a new approach based on dance workshops, bringing together youth workers and young people in the fight against bullying, especially when words are difficult to express. Indeed, along with the positive effects that music and movements have on the development of young people, dance is a great tool to work for the empowerment and resilience against violence and abuses. The project improves the skills of youth workers to support young people on overcoming specific problems related to bullying by the means of activities of integration, team building, creativity, and self -empowerment. With a choreographer/trainer/expert on dance and using our methodology, youth workers are able to work with young people as to develop the stages of the contemporary dance workshops, which include : sessions of non-formal education aimed at analysing the phenomenon of bullying (from the viewpoint of the bullied, the bullies and passive and active observers; situations where bullying behaviours emerge; role-plays focused on the main actors of a bullying scenario). Dance workshops have been filmed and analysed by the DAB consortium through the explanation of methods, progresses and results. You can find both videos and results on this platform and share the project’s outcomes to all the stakeholders wishing to realize similar projects. The project’s duration has been of 30 months, from July 2019 to December 2021.

For more information download the brochure: Brochure ENG


The main objectives of the project DAB are:

-To tackle bullying behaviours amid young people;

-Improve, with a new methodology, competences and knowledge of youth workers;

-To promote the use of dance as a tool to tackle bullying, through the development of the White Paper, a web-portal with video lessons and the implementation of dance workshops;

-To promote the values of inclusion, non discrimination and equity;

-To promote methods of non-formal education;

-To strengthen the international cooperation within the consortium of DAB’s project


Dab brings together 5 partners from different countries: France, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Greece with complementary skills and with necessary background.
The coordinator is Cie Essevesse, French contemporary dance company carrying out social activities with a large audience in Marseille.
In addition to coordinator, the partnership is formed by:

– EUNI PARTNERS: Bulgarian NGO very active in the schools with cultural and social projects in Blagoevgrad.

– AICSCC: Romanian association based in Iaçi, that brings together psychologists and youth workers dealing with young people affected by personal disorders.

– CEIPES: European NGO based in Palermo and active in 8 European Countries, realizing social projects in some of the poorest neighbourhoods in Palermo.

– THE SMILE OF THE CHILD: is the largest Greek association committed to the welfare of the children and their families.



Benchmark Report for “Dancing Against Bullying”

Research on the bullying scene in each country of the consortium. 

English Version

French Version

Bulgarian Version

Italian Version

Romanian Version

Greek Version


DAB Web Portal with the Video lessons

Creation of an on-line platform which is the main means of sharing the good practices deriving from the project. You can find the video lessons in this section along with the video interviews. 

Video Lessons & Interviews


Local Dance Workshops

Ten Workshops have been held in each country of the consortium: five involving youth workers in order to spread the methodology, and five including a group of 15 young people coordinated and supervised by both youth workers and choreographers/trainers/dance experts. The workshops involved youth of both sexes affected by bullying.

Workshop Manual:


White Paper on contrasting bullying through a dance approach

A White Paper on bullying through art has been developed: a document defining a series of recommendations in order to integrate the already-existing documents into a broader set of policies on the contribution of dance against bullying. 

English Version

Italian Version

Bulgarian Version

French Version

Greek Version

Romanian Version


DAB from home: that’s how we carried out our workshop in total safety

DAB from home: that’s how we carried out our workshop in total safety

Given the current situation with COVID-19 and the impossibility of safely carrying out in-person activities, the partners of DAB decided to carry out an online DAB session: Dance Against Bullying From Home.  DAB’s workshops aim first to help people self-empower...

DAB: Dance Against Bullying, Kick Off Meeting in Palermo

DAB: Dance Against Bullying, Kick Off Meeting in Palermo

Project name: “Dance Against Bullying” Project number: (2019-1-FR02-KA205-015856) Duration: 24 months Coordinator: CIE ESSEVESSE (France) Financed by: Erasmus+ programme, KA205 (Strategic Partnership for Innovation and Exchange of good...