+33624928571 essevesse@gmail.com

The fight against bullying needs your support! Take 1 minute to sign the petition below to help combat bullying and support an innovative methodology to address this issue.


The petition supports the use of dance and expressive movements methodology as a best practice suitable to integrate with the EU policies in the fight against bullying. It will be taken, along with the project’s White Paper, to the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), and Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).

By signing, you will give support to the use of non-formal educational methodologies, primarily that of art, dance and body expression, as valuable and worthy of integration in education and youth work to address the bullying phenomenon among young people.

We need 10,000 signatures to promote this method to the European parliament, and this number must be reached by December 2021!

So, sign and share the petition to show your support for the use of non-formal education and in the fight against bullying!